Created by Insulation Distributors Inc., R-Value provides business tips, stories from the field and industry updates for those who need to know what’s happening in the world of insulation. Gain valuable insights from experts who understand what matters most to contractors and their customers. Whether you want to discover new insulation tools or improve your small business tactics, subscribe now to get an edge on the competition.

Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
06: Understanding the market impact of COVID 19
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Most Americans are waiting to go outside again, but what economic realities will be there to meet them when they do?
Join Travis Pankake, Don Clymer and Steve Kosel as they discuss the short term and long term effects of the economic pause caused by the COVID-19 shutdowns with acclaimed economist Brian Beaulieu of ITR Economics. When should we expect economic recovery and how long will growth last? What are the unintended consequences of the shutdown and are the measures taken by the U.S. government working?
Brian has served as CEO and Chief Economist of ITR Economics™ since 1987, where he researches the use of business cycle analysis and economic forecasting as tools for improving profitability. Prior to joining ITR Economics, Brian served as an economist for the US Department of Labor, where he worked on the health-care component of the Consumer Price Index. Brian has co-authored, with Alan Beaulieu, the books “Prosperity in the Age of Decline,” “Make Your Move,” and, for children, “But I Want It!”
2:45 - When you're dealing with the unprecedented you have to think differently
7:23 - The unintended consequences of the economic pause and stimulus solutions
11:44 - When will the economy climb out of the hole caused by COVID-19?
15:00 - "We've seen this before." Consumer behavior post-COVID
20:20 - Back to School could mean Back to Economic Normality
26:41 - Long range impacts of national debt accumulation

Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
05: Graco: Vision, Customer Service
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Every customer, every time. That's the customer service philosophy of Pat McHale, CEO at Graco. Pat has instituted customer service policies that radically rethink the relationship between business and customer. He'll explain why these policies work and why 4.5 stars out of 5 just doesn't cut it anymore.
Pat McHale is the local kid that worked his way up to become the CEO of one of America's best manufacturing workplaces, according to Forbes magazine. He started working as a machinist when he was a teenager, a job which he used to put himself through college. He earned his accounting degree from the University of Minnesota, although he never became an accountant. Instead, he went to work for the local manufacturer within a mile from his house as a second shift machining supervisor role. Now he's built a reputation that Graco that extends far beyond his industry and into the minds of customers across the United States.
00:38 - Are you taking advantage of the Graco rewards program?
2:29 - Building a tolerance to cold weather
6:04 - Every great leader has a daily routine
7:00 - The customer is not going to be satisfied, if things are mostly good.
9:32 - How to develop an open door policy...in a company of 4000 people.
13:16 - "If you have a good team, you really shouldn't be afraid of having your contact information out there"
18:37 - Customer service as every customer, every time
21:06 - The customer is not always right
24:34 - "When you take a look at people that are really doing well, growing their business and making money...generally those people aren't out there looking for the lowest price, the cheapest deal, the lowest bid."

Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
04: Tried and True Business Practices and Selling Tips From Dick Enrico
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
“Why buy new when slightly used will do, EXCEPT when the deals are this good." If you've heard that slogan you probably live in the Midwest and you probably know our guest today. Dick Enrico is the founder of 2nd Wind Exercise Equipment, the nation's largest fitness dealer, and a true sales expert. Dick has a whip-smart sense of humor but he's dead serious about making the sale. He's been using creative techniques to get in doors across the Midwest since the 1960s. Today's super-sized episode is packed with sales history, tactics, strategies, ideas and "Dick-isms" you can take into your next sales call.
Transcript Details:
3:17 - Dick isn't an entrepreneur, he's an occupational opportunist.
10:15 - To get through 3 inches of oak you have to be a little creative: crazy sales stories of getting past the gatekeeper
18:37 - Earning the right for referral
28:44 - "The award got me the dough." The value of incentive to sales.
32:04 - The many businesses and slogans of Dick Enrico and the one business he'll never get back into
40:00 - Becoming memorable, becoming their insulation guy
47:00 - 2nd Wind Fitness begins....at a TGI Fridays?
55:00 - 2nd Wind grows too fast
1:00:02 - How Dick came up with his Midwest-famous commercials

Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
03: Keeping Site Safety as Top Priority: With Bullard’s CEO
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
On this edition of the R-Value Podcast, we're chatting with Wells Bullard, a fifth-generation CEO of Bullard Manufacturing, a leading manufacturer of high-quality personal protective equipment and systems that are marketed worldwide. Bullard traces it's history back to 1898 selling mining safety equipment to gold miners in San Francisco. Today they make products essential to workplace safety: thermal imagers, hard hats, firefighter and rescue helmets, supplied-air respirators, powered air-purifying respirators, and air quality equipment.
Workplace safety is not only a regulated mandate, it's essential to keeping your business stable and profitable. Today's podcast will give you great tips for keeping your site safe while keeping work efficient.
Read the rest of this entry »
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
02: Impactful Tips on Running a Successful Business: IDI Talks with David Avrin
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
At the end of the day, it's NOT about quality. Quality work should be the bedrock of your business. At the end of the day, the difference between sale or no sale is all about being memorable. So says our guest today, keynote speaker David Avrin.
One of the most in-demand Customer Experience and Marketing speakers in the world today, David Avrin has shared his high-energy and content-rich presentations with enthusiastic audiences across North America and around the world including presentations in Singapore, Bangkok, Melbourne, Brisbane, Bangalore, Antwerp, Monte Carlo, London, Buenos Aires, Glasgow, Bogota, Rotterdam, Barcelona, Johannesburg and Dubai.
David Avrin is the author of three books including the acclaimed: It’s Not Who You Know, It’s Who Knows You, Visibility Marketing and his newest book: Why Customers Leave (and How to Win Them Back.)
A former CEO group leader with Vistage International and marketing firm owner, David’s business and marketing insights have been featured on hundreds of broadcast media outlets and thousands of online and print publications around the world.

Monday Jan 13, 2020
01: HFO Performance, Mandates & More: IDI Talks with Chemours Professionals
Monday Jan 13, 2020
Monday Jan 13, 2020
Today it's all about the HFO. The next generation of blowing agent in spray foam is increasing yields and decreasing impact on the environment. But the rules on when and where HFO spray foam will be mandated are confusing at best. That's why we've called on the HFO professionals.
Our guests today are Joyce Wallace and Ernie Wysong from Chemours, formerly DuPont Performance Chemicals. Chemours is a $6 billion dollar chemical company that is leading the world in innovation on a number of products that dominate a contractor's life including spray foam.
Visit Opteon.com today to find out more about the transition to HFO blowing agents and how Chemours continues to set the standard on these products.